By Patrick Icasas

For more than a decade, AJ Harbinger and his partner Johnny Dzubak have been running The Art of Charm. They help people overcome social anxiety and have amazing relationships through better conversations.
Together, AJ and Johnny have produced a popular podcast that helps audiences improve their social skills and interpersonal communication. The Art of Charm has had quite a few notable guests, like the late NBA legend Kobe Bryant and journalist/best-selling author Dan Harris.
Buoyed by the success of their podcast, AJ wanted to expand their reach on the internet by creating other kinds of content. And so they began creating video content to be used as educational materials and promotional assets. The company now offers multiple online training programs that students can attend for a reasonable fee.
But AJ quickly ran into several problems:
- AJ had a lot of video content, but not enough time to actually edit it
- He wasn’t trained as a video editor and his process was lengthy and haphazard. “This is tedious and not what you want to be doing when you’re trying to run a business,” AJ said.
- The Art of Charm created content on a per-project basis, which made it difficult to find freelancers to work with consistently, even if they lived in a city full of creatives like Los Angeles.
At one point, AJ had a major backup of video projects on his backlog. But constantly finding new freelancers would almost be as time-consuming as editing the videos himself.
Then AJ heard about Video Husky.
In this article, you’ll find out:
- How The Art of Charm streamlined their video editing process.
- How Video Husky helped AJ clear a critical part of their backlog of pending video projects.
- Why AJ no longer has to spend time learning from YouTube.
Struggling to create consistent video content for YouTube and other social platforms? Video Husky provides you access to a team of talented editors who can help you get on track.
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The Challenge of DIY Video Production
As long-time podcasters, The Art of Charm developed a finely tuned audio production process. But that same process was difficult to translate into video.
“We want to figure out how to leverage video,” AJ said, “but we’re a small team who’s mostly audio-focused. Video has always been a challenge for us, especially in the editing front.”
AJ had never been formally trained on video production techniques and tools, but he still did his best to answer the needs of the business. He taught himself how to edit videos by watching YouTube tutorial videos and searching Google for best practices.
But despite his efforts, the final results left something to be desired. “Not being a professional myself–not being classically trained in what a proper video editing workflow is, it was very haphazard and I wasn’t utilizing the tools to their best advantage.”
Something had to give.

With Video Husky’s help, The Art of Charm Produced Modules Like This For Their Online Course.
The First Attempt at Outsourcing
“The biggest pain of the process was hopping into the editing bay right after shooting,” AJ shared. “All while running the company and having my hands in multiple parts of the business. It’s tough to build something and then, a week later, go back and edit it.”
Production was taking far too much time and was not sustainable long-term. If the business was to grow, they needed to outsource.
“Being based in LA, we had thought a lot about just keeping things local, but we had really limited success. We needed a freelancer who’d be willing to dedicate time and energy to our projects and then stay consistently available whenever we needed them,” AJ said.
Part of this need was hampered by The Art of Charm’s content calendar, which operated on a project-to-project basis. Because of this, they’d lose freelance editors to the market and often needed to search for new talent again and again.
“It was very time consuming to find a go-to person to help with editing,” AJ said. “And then as the company grew, we started producing more and more video content, but it wasn’t actually being edited and posted as much as we would’ve liked.”
The Art of Charm continued to film, but the editing was a serious bottleneck and projects began to pile up.
Delegating to Video Husky
AJ has an extensive network thanks to the people he met through his training programs and public talks, which included plenty of entrepreneurs. Through these contacts, he learned about an editing service called Video Husky.
“Video Husky kept popping up over and over from other content creators who were facing the same struggles that we were facing,” AJ said.
Video Husky offered a complete end-to-end editing solution using professional video editors located overseas.
“It was a little nerve-wracking at first,” AJ confided. “Hey, is this really going to be the same quality? Here in the States, it’s thousands and thousands of dollars a month to have that person on staff. Can this really be done?”

Another screenshot from one of The Art of Charms courses that Video Husky edited.
The Art of Charm Benefits from Organized Workflows
After signing up, AJ quickly realized how systematic Video Husky’s workflow is. They provided him with great templates and formulas for requesting edits bs that allowed AJ to supply everything he needed to finish jobs fast.
“There’s less of that back and forth that I found internally with our editors because Video Husky is so organized and on point.”
The time zone difference works out in AJ’s favor. Videos get edited while he’s sleeping in LA.
AJ said, “It’s very easy to work with the editor, leave the notes and comments on the actual video and get that turnaround in a way that allowed us to deliver more content to our audience.”
State of The Art (of Charm)
Working with Video Husky, enabled The Art of Charm to clear some of their backlog of footage. The Art of Charm was able to produce modules for their X-Factor Accelerator and Year-Long Mentorship Program courses thanks to Video Husky’s help.
“After we tested a few videos to see if it was on point with what we were doing internally, we saw that the test exceeded our expectations,” AJ said. “We were happy to just shift everything to Video Husky. I recommend it to friends all the time.”
Patrick Icasas is a freelance writer and content consultant. Find out more about him on his website.
Do you want to create more videos without sacrificing quality? Then, consider Video Husky. We provide you access to a dedicated team of talented editors who can help.
Click the button below to schedule a call to get started today!