By Jon Santiago

Jeff Rubenstein is a real estate agent and coach based in Denver, Colorado. Aside from his work as an agent, he’s also built a mentorship program that teaches other realtors how to build, launch, and scale their own businesses.
Like all of us, Jeff has had a front-row seat to the rise of YouTube, especially as it’s proved to become a valuable marketing tool for real estate agents. But for more than a decade, his intrigue was never enough to get the ball rolling on his own channel.
Then in 2021, something finally clicked. Jeff decided to get more serious about making YouTube a critical part of his business as an agent and coach.
After shooting some content himself, he tried the usual actions that most aspiring video makers take when they first get started:
- Self-editing: He tried editing a few videos on his own. But the amount of time it took for Jeff to do the work by himself discouraged him from making more content on a regular basis.
- Hiring a freelancer: Jeff tried working with a family member who had some experience with editing. But once Jeff laid out his scope of work, his hired help told him that he didn’t have enough time in his schedule to accommodate Jeff’s projects.
With neither of his options working out very well, Jeff found himself at a crossroads. He was stuck with analysis paralysis, unable to decide what his next move might be.
“I just knew it was going to be a painful journey,” Jeff said. “And I think that’s a huge thing that’s holding (most people), especially real estate agents, back from doing video.”
Fortunately for Jeff, he had hired a YouTube coach who introduced him to a better solution.
In this article, you’ll learn how Jeff saves about 40 hours per month by outsourcing his editing to Video Husky. You’ll also find out why Video Husky made it easy for him to hand over creative control over his content.
But first, let’s talk about how investing in a video editor can help drive up revenue for working realtors like Jeff.
Is video editing slowing you down?
Video Husky provides you access to a dedicated team of talented editors who can help.
If you’re not happy, we have a 30-day, action-based money-back guarantee. Click the button below to schedule a call to get started today!
The Value of Hiring a Video Editor for Real Estate Agents
Thanks to technology, shooting is the easiest part of the video creation process. It’s not hard these days to pull out your smartphone at a moment’s notice and start filming what’s in front of you.
But once you’ve captured all that footage, what’s next? Being unable to answer that question is often what stops aspiring video makers dead in their tracks.
“I was stuck with this like (dilemma of) well do I edit it?” Jeff said of the days when he first started taking video seriously. “And if I do, do I buy software? And if I buy that, then do I learn it, or do I train somebody?”
But thanks to Video Husky, those are questions Jeff doesn’t have to worry about anymore. Instead, he’s able to focus on activities that help him increase his bottom line.
By creating more videos around his coaching program, Jeff has been able to increase his visibility in recruiting new agents. And every time Jeff brings a new agent into his brokerage, that agent’s commission is split with the rest of the organization.
As a result, he gets paid every time that person makes a sale.
Median prices for houses in Jeff’s area of Denver, Colorado were around $525,000 in October 2021. Assuming a standard commission of 2.5 to 3%, one sale at that listing price can net anywhere from $13,000 to $16,000.
If the commission split between an agent Jeff recruited through a video and his brokerage is 50/50, that means his organization can net around $6,500 to $8,000.
And that’s just from one sale.
A return on investment like that for a service costing $749 a month is more than enough reason for someone like Jeff to work long-term with Video Husky.
“You’ve got to have a video editor,” Jeff said. “That’s the biggest thing holding people back from really taking video to the next level.”
Wasting No More Time With Video Editing
Most real estate agents who embrace YouTube don’t make their money editing their videos. They make their money by getting as much face time as they can with clients and prospects.
The same is true for Jeff. Since handing off editing to Video Husky, Jeff has created more space for what he calls income-producing activities, such as:
- Planning his content calendar for his next 5 to 10 videos.
- Strategizing about how he’ll repurpose content from existing videos.
- Educating himself on the latest trends in the real estate industry.
By working with Video Husky for the long haul, Jeff is now able to get about three videos done per week. The runtime of those videos vary but usually falls within 10 to 12 minutes.
With the exception of his live streams, every video on his YouTube channel has been edited by Video Husky. Jeff estimates his editing team saves him about three hours per video, giving him roughly 9 extra hours a week to focus on more important tasks for his real estate business.
What Jeff Appreciates Most About Video Husky
All of Video Husky’s editors are based in the Philippines. That means they work 9 to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, GMT+8.
For many video creators, giving up creative control is hard enough. Now imagine giving up creative control to someone located on the opposite side of the globe, too.
But for Jeff, this hasn’t been an issue. That’s because his editor provides him with regular updates about where his projects stand in the editing process.
Sending feedback about his videos is simple thanks to Video Husky’s user-friendly project management dashboard. It includes an easy-to-use video proofing tool, which allows Jeff to leave annotations on specific moments he’d like changed in further revisions.
Since Jeff has worked with Video Husky for more than half a year, service has only gotten better. He recently changed editors, but the team has developed such rapport with him that it didn’t take long for his new editor to learn his style preferences.
Jeff also appreciates that Video Husky helps him get more mileage out of his content. By providing time stamps, he’ll often have his editor pull segments from live streams and repurpose them for short-form consumption.
Why Jeff Trusts Video Husky
Jeff is a firm believer in hiring specialists. In his mind, it’s better to hire someone who is great at one thing rather than a jack-of-all-trades.
With Video Husky, Jeff is getting creative talent whose specialty is video editing. Candidates go through a strict hiring process that screens for talented and hard-working editors.
Prospective editors are assessed based on a variety of factors, including the tech capacity of their editing rigs as well as their proficiency in English. Then, they are invited to go through a rigorous 2-week bootcamp in which their editing chops are put to test.
Campers are assessed on their ability to edit a variety of content types (including talking heads and real estate walkthroughs). They’re also trained on standard operating procedures and protocols before receiving a formal offer to join the company.
“I don’t even have to think about it,” Jeff said of the faith he puts in Video Husky to edit his content these days. “And that’s a very good feeling as an entrepreneur – to know that you can check that box for something that’s important in your business, that it’s getting done and to trust the people who are doing it.”
Want to create more videos so that you can generate more leads for your real estate business? Then, leave the video editing to us!
Click the button below to schedule a free consultation call with us today!