
Maximum Output, Minimum Overhead

- Full-time, dedicated editors at a fraction of traditional costs

- Flexible team sizing – from solo editor to full creative squad

- Add specialized talent (motion graphics, color grading, project management)
as needed

Request More Information

Unlock the power of dedicated editors without the traditional hassles and costs.

Hiring and managing an in-house editing team isn't just about the monthly paycheck. It's a complex, time-consuming, and often frustrating process. But what if there was a better way?

Our solution offers:

Say goodbye to:

Imagine having all the benefits of an in-house editing team without:

Get your time and creative freedom back. Focus on what you do best – creating amazing content – while we handle the rest.

Ready to revolutionize your video production workflow? Get your custom team quote today!

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What our customers say about us

Our Clients' Results

Goalcast 2.55M Subscribers Edited 35 Videos in 5 Months
“With Video Husky, now I can just close my eyes and it’s done.”
California Through My Lens 273K Subscribers Edited 273 Videos in 48 Months
“The amount of content that I’m able to produce makes it worth the money.”
- Josh McNair
Martin Wong 123K Followers Edited 248 Videos in 41 Months
"I love working with Video Husky because not only to save time, but also the pricing structure is very reasonable. But I love how easy it is for me to communicate with my editor using a note or system or platform."
Eric Thayne 30.4K Subscribers Edited 16 Videos in 8 Months
“I got paired up with one of your editors. …And then he got things done really fast. And then when he got it done, it was always like exactly what I had described…he would hit this out of the park every time honestly.”
Boston Terrier Society 29.4k Subscribers Edited 144 Videos in 14 Months
"With Video Husky, I am now with 131,000 views just in two months, when that took me almost a year before."
Monte Weaver 23.4K Subscribers Edited 93 Videos in 17 Months
"All of my new video content, I directly attribute to Video Husky because I know that I am not editing anymore."
Ferdy Korpershoek 256k Subscribers Edited 131 Videos in 27 Months
“Since I used Video Husky, I can just send all my video and audio files to them, they send it back within 48 hours, but then totally edited.”
Measureschool 148k Subscribers Edited 12 videos in 1.5 months
“They have a great process behind it, they have top-notch quality and they are able to edit my videos in consistent basis.”
Emily Hayden 83.7k Subscribers Edited 41 Videos in 8 Months
"I know that I can count on editors to be extremely timely, efficient and produce high-quality materials."
Owen Video 64.8k subscribers Edited 50 Videos in 9 Months
“...When you add Video Husky into your daily workflow you know like I wake up I check my email, I check my Video Husky, you are going to have like a new video or in front of you like every other day of the week. And that is so powerful.”